Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Unhappiness, financial struggles, all work and no play, sex isn't good, life was passing them by, thought their spouse was cheating, needed a thrill, felt wanted by the other person all of these are reasons and excuses I have heard from people who have stepped outside of their marriage but are these excuses a good enough reason to be unfaithful? I was in a marriage for almost eighteen years and although we had some rough spots I never allowed my mind to drift into the idea of being with someone else. Every marriage is going to have rough places in communication, sex, money, children, friends, health, careers etc. and some of those rough places can last a while but are these things good enough reasons to be unfaithful? Not for me.
  • One of the ways I safeguarded myself from cheating was not allowing any other woman into my personal space, you know, that space where your guards are down and you allow that person to hear your heart, fellowship over your thoughts and see the raw you that place that is off limits and reserved for your spouse. My job as a pastor requires a lot of communication with people and whenever I have had conversations with another woman it was exchanging pleasantries and on to the business at hand and conversation over. They knew from the way I handled the conversation that I was about business and not them. 
  • Another way I remained faithful all the years that I was married was I didn't give my phone number to everyone that I met. If they wanted my information I would give them my ministry card which had my office number on it or depending on the nature of the request I would give them my wives number.
How are you safeguarding your marriage from unfaithfulness? Is there someone out there who has what it takes to steal your heart away from your spouse? In my new book The Broken Strong Man I share the brokenness and pain I felt after discovering that my wife was unfaithful. I discuss the difficulties that my children and I faced as we all fought to keep it together as we picked up the shattered pieces of our lives after these devastating events. I also share tips, tools and ways to navigate through the hard places and how to get back on track after the affair. Click on the link

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Former NFL Running Back Jerone Davison Author/Pastor

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Former NFL Athlete, Jerone Davison is the Author of “Broken Strongman” an inspiring self help book written specifically for men challenged with recovering from the pain of a cheating wife and the difficulties faced when healing from traumatic loss. “Broken Strongman” gives a voice and platform to the male victim of infidelity who is commonly ignored and overlooked by friends and family that think “He’s a man, He will get over it.” That way of thinking is a complete misnomer. “Broken Strongman” will not only expose the grueling journey of men that experience betrayal and loss but also offer practical solutions that will afford every man a path to healing and wholeness.