Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"THE BROKEN STRONG MAN" by Jerone L. Davison

"THE BROKEN STRONG MAN" by Jerone L. Davison
Resurrection (Easter) Sunday 4/20/14, while in my office reading my Bible preparing for a great service, two police officers unexpectedly entered my office with a warrant to arrest me. Completely shocked and bewildered, I felt sick to my stomach. Ironically, the warrant was a result of one of the restraining orders I requested from the courts against my ex when I suspected that she was the burglar who entered my home and stole my lap top computer, several of my neighbors described her and her car to the police stating that they saw her throwing objects at my children's bedroom window about the time of the theft but she was not arrested and the other was due to her husband's attempt to harm me. BROKEN STRONGMAN
Unbeknownst to me, over five (5) months earlier, I violated that same restraining order when my son and I drove to Southern California for Christmas break to pick up my two younger daughters from my ex's mother’s house (where my younger daughters reside and attend school). According to our divorce decree, my girls were scheduled to spend the 2013 Christmas break with me. I had lots of Christmas gifts for them and I knew that they would be happy. To safe guard from any possible drama, I asked the Sheriff's Dept to escort me to the home and I never got out of my car.
I had no idea that my ex would even be in the state of California. I figured that she would be with her husband who lives in Texas for the holidays. Later, I began to suspect that my ex lives in Northern California in the same city that our two older daughters, our son and I live, while her husband lives in Texas and our younger daughters, whom the courts awarded her custodial custody, are living without either of us (parents) in Southern California.
An anonymous call was made to the police about there being a warrant for my arrest and directed the officers to my church to arrest me on Resurrection Sunday in front of my members. Thank God, the police officers decided that would not be appropriate. I posted bail on Wed. 4/23/14 before I turned myself in, hoping to be able to get out in time to teach Bible Study at my Church. Unfortunately, I spent 10 hrs in a filthy County Jail. For what? For picking up my children for Christmas break last year per my divorce decree. BROKEN STRONGMAN
Through prayer and God’s word I overcame losing 200 members three years earlier of my once thriving church because of my failed marriage and members not understanding what happened. I have stood victoriously while my name was slandered and my credibility tarnished because of someone else’s infidelity. While married I was never abusive and I never committed adultery, but my ex cheated on me. I have forgiven her and I chose to move on with my life without her. I have been divorced now for four years and my ex has been remarried over a year. I am rebuilding and excited about my future. I want to move forward with my life and ministry in peace. I know that I am not alone. Countless men have reached out to me with similar stories and some with even more devastating results.
I have written a new book " “The Broken StrongMan” an inspiring self help book written specifically for men challenged with recovering from the pain of a cheating wife and the difficulties faced when healing from traumatic loss. “The Broken StrongMan” gives a voice and platform to the male victim of infidelity who is commonly ignored and overlooked by friends and family that think, “He’s a man, He will get over it.” That way of thinking is a complete misnomer. “The Broken Strongman” will not only expose the grueling journey of men that experience betrayal and loss but also offer practical solutions that will afford every man a path to healing and wholeness.
Invite a StrongMan to LIKE my Facebook Page "The Broken Strong MAN" and receive information on the book release date and other updates, The Broken StrongMan Men's Conference, Book Tour, Speaking Engagements, Photo's, Video's etc.

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Davison, I've watched you for 12yrs now, continue to stay stedfast in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Upholding the name of Jesus while going thru HELL. Being under your teaching and preaching. I never knew all this over the years. You never let that stop you from giving God's peiple the word that the Lord had for them. You will be rewarded by the Most High God for your faithfulness and Long suffering


Former NFL Running Back Jerone Davison Author/Pastor

My photo
Former NFL Athlete, Jerone Davison is the Author of “Broken Strongman” an inspiring self help book written specifically for men challenged with recovering from the pain of a cheating wife and the difficulties faced when healing from traumatic loss. “Broken Strongman” gives a voice and platform to the male victim of infidelity who is commonly ignored and overlooked by friends and family that think “He’s a man, He will get over it.” That way of thinking is a complete misnomer. “Broken Strongman” will not only expose the grueling journey of men that experience betrayal and loss but also offer practical solutions that will afford every man a path to healing and wholeness.